Frequently Asked Questions

Our commitment to investing one-third of the equity investment ensures that we have a personal stake in the venture. By doing so, we provide reassurance to our investors that when profits are generated, they will directly benefit from our shared success.

The minimum investment amount required ranges from £1,000 to £1 million or more. Our aim is to attract multiple investors who can help spread awareness about our innovative business model. Rather than relying on a single investor, we prefer to have 10 or more investors for each investment, enabling greater word-of-mouth promotion. We believe in inclusivity, as our structure and technology allow smaller investors to enjoy the same percentage returns as larger investors. Our goal is to grow, and we invite others to grow alongside us.

If you desire to be the sole investor, we kindly request a face-to-face meeting to discuss your specific requirements. For instance, if you possess a property and require a tailored solution for it, we can explore the possibilities of striking a deal to meet your needs. Typically, our projects involve multiple investors, as this aligns with our primary business model. However, we have already contemplated alternative options that are open to discussion.

Equity Investment: When you choose an equity investment, you become a valued shareholder in the business. The percentage of shares you own is proportional to the amount you invest. For example, if you invest 10% of the capital, you will own 10% of the shares. It is important to note that the returns on your investment are not fixed and can vary, potentially going up or down.

Loan: On the other hand, a loan involves lending money to the company with the expectation of receiving a predetermined return. This return is either paid at the end of the month or upon completion of the project. Initially, these funds are secured by the business itself and then additionally guaranteed by the directors, Chen and Pankaj, through personal guarantees.

We understand that everyone's financial needs and preferences vary. That's why we provide two options for loan interest amounts.

For those who have savings and prefer a steady monthly income, the first option guarantees a fixed interest amount on the first day of each month. This ensures stability for your lifestyle and a consistent flow of funds into your account.

On the flip side, some individuals may not immediately need access to the funds and prioritize maximizing their returns. In such cases, the second option offers a higher fixed interest amount at the end of the project. This allows you to accumulate a larger sum over time, ultimately boosting your overall returns.

Our system caters to both these preferences, providing you the convenience of accessing your account anytime to view your complete financial details.

Without a doubt, we guarantee the loan to provide utmost security for your investment. The loan is not only backed by the business itself, including all equity investor funds, but also by the personal guarantee of both Chen and Pankaj. This ensures an extra layer of assurance for the repayment of the loan. However, it's important to note that if both Chen and Pankaj face bankruptcy, the loan guarantee will unfortunately become void.

We want to emphasize the significance of ensuring the loan is repaid in full. Our goal is to reduce reliance on banks and maintain a substantial amount of cash and property within the business. Additionally, both Pankaj and Chen have their own financial resources, which further demonstrates their strong commitment to the loan.

While we strive to anticipate and address all potential circumstances, we believe in transparency regarding the risks involved. If you have any concerns, we highly recommend seeking professional advice or reconsidering investing or loaning money to the company. We truly value sophisticated investors who possess a deep understanding of our business and the associated risks.

Unfortunately, equity investments do not come with guaranteed returns. Your financial gains rely on your trust in the project and the abilities of Chen and Pankaj to generate profits. While it is possible to make more money compared to lending, there is also the risk of making less or even losing your invested funds. It is essential to note that although your opinions will be taken into consideration, you will not have any decision-making power in the business operations.

We strongly advise seeking professional advice before making any investment decisions. If you have any doubts or uncertainties, it is better to refrain from investing.

In the event that the project exceeds the anticipated timeline, there will be certain consequences. Loan investors can expect to receive interest rates for a longer period, while equity investors may experience lower returns on their investments.

Nevertheless, we take into consideration both the worst-case and best-case scenarios when projecting the outcomes. Our investment strategy is based on careful planning, and with the expertise of our team, we strive to minimize the risk of delays. However, it is important to note that external factors such as councils, utility companies, and other unforeseen circumstances can sometimes cause unexpected obstacles. Rest assured, we are committed to completing the project as swiftly as possible, always endeavoring to deliver the best results.

Pankaj and Chen frequently visit the site, and we are more than happy to arrange a visit for you at a time that suits both parties or include you in a group outing. Additionally, we will consistently update our website and planned mobile app with push notifications to keep all investors informed about the progress of the project. We also encourage investors to share this information with others to help spread the word about our investment strategy

We understand the importance of effectively monitoring your investment. That's why we offer a convenient login to our website and future app, giving you easy access to track your equity investments and loans. Our platform provides detailed information about your invested equity and loans for each project.

You can stay updated on monthly interest payments and expected dates for higher interest loans. This transparency ensures that you are always well-informed about the progress of your investment.

If you want to seamlessly retain your loan from one project to the next, we prioritize equity investors in that specific project first. Loan investors who are not committed to that particular project come next. To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend having equity investments in all projects.

Absolutely! We will be providing updates throughout the construction process. We will continuously update our website and forthcoming app with the latest developments. Moreover, Chen and I frequently visit the site to oversee the progress. We would be honored to personally escort you, whether individually or as part of a group.

The main point of contact will be Pankaj Patel or one of his team members. Any questions or concerns should be directed to him.

No, you need to be an equity investor of a minimum of £1k. Then, you can still loan £1m+ for that project or other projects. Please note that we will only accept the loan when it is required according to the project's schedule of works.

The decision between the "Build and Sell" or "Build and Keep" options depends on your specific investment goals and personal preferences.

If you prefer to exit your funds at the end of each project, the "Build and Sell" option might be more suitable for you. This involves investing in projects that are planned for sale after the building phase. By doing so, you have the opportunity to take any profit generated and utilize the money according to your own plans within a predicted timeframe.

On the other hand, if you are seeking a long-term investment that provides consistent dividends, the "Build and Keep" option could be a better fit. This entails investing in a project where a 20-year bank mortgage will be obtained once the project is completed. The property will then be managed by Flexistay Ltd under their standard management agreement, and the profits will be distributed as dividends on an annual basis. In the future, you also have the option to sell your shares based on the partnership agreement.

Ultimately, the choice between the "Build and Sell" or "Build and Keep" options depends on your investment strategy and objectives.

No, we do not fall under regulatory oversight. However, we take great care to ensure that our website is transparent and that all individuals are well-informed about the associated risks. It is important for anyone considering investing with us to seek guidance from their solicitor and accountant. We DO NOT accept investments from individuals who are financially vulnerable or lack understanding of investment risks. If this describes your situation, we kindly request that you DO NOT INVEST WITH US. If unsure, please ask Citizens Advice Bureau.

We will consider each situation and project individually, which is outside the scope of this website.

Once you have entered into an agreement with us, we expect your commitment to the project.

At our organization, we value the satisfaction of our investors. Over the years, we have recognized that each investor is unique, with varying perspectives and approaches. Consequently, we strive to attract investors who not only embrace our business model but also comprehend our mindset. However, if you find yourself unintentionally incompatible with our project and feel discontent, we will actively seek a mutually agreeable solution to ensure the happiness of both parties involved.

Our objective is to attract numerous investors who can contribute to our projects. To ensure we can effectively monitor your investment interest, kindly indicate your interest in a forthcoming project on our website after logging in. This will enable us to keep you informed about any updates. Additionally, it would be beneficial if you could specify your investment range, as it will help us understand the level of investor you may potentially become.

Each project, it will be made clear what the charges are and they may vary depending on the project.

At our company, your shares are not equipped with voting capabilities. Nevertheless, we highly regard your opinion and are committed to genuinely listening to your viewpoints. If your arguments hold significant weight and possess the potential to steer us towards a more favorable direction, we are willing to be flexible and adjust our thought process accordingly.

Navigating a leadership predicament where both parties have an equal say can present challenges, unless a clear agreement has been established beforehand. However, in this scenario, we have devised a solution. Uday Patel, the accountant working closely with Chen and one of our main investors, has demonstrated a level-headed approach. Therefore, he will serve as the impartial arbitrator, and his decision will be deemed final. In the rare circumstance that Uday is unable to fulfill this role, another investor named Preet will step in to assume his responsibilities.

In the unfortunate event that Chen or Pankaj is unable to fulfill their responsibilities due to circumstances such as death or critical illness, we have insurance in place to ensure the smooth continuation of our operations. We have implemented critical illness cover that will provide £200k to hire a suitable replacement. With this support, we can either successfully conclude ongoing projects and wrap up the investment structure, or Pankaj can rely on his trusted son Ricky, who is well-versed in the system and projects, while Chen can rely on his capable nephew Jun, who is fully knowledgeable in the construction aspect. Together with the remaining individual from either Chen or Pankaj, this collaborative effort ensures the continuity of our structure for the future.

It is crucial to acknowledge that our investment is primarily focused on properties with appraised value and should ideally be free from mortgages. Additionally, given our collaboration with reputable contractors, the likelihood of project liquidation is extremely low. However, if such an unlikely situation were to arise, the liquidators will proceed with their usual procedures and enforce charges accordingly.

In the unfortunate scenario where the project falls short of the required equity investment, Chen and Pankaj will step in and cover the deficit. Their non-voting equity shares and dividens will be on par with any other investor, or they will receive the same terms as other investors providing a loan to the company.

Should we still face a shortfall despite their contribution, we will explore the traditional route of obtaining a loan from a bank

Absolutely, get the profit of property investment without the headache, that is solely why we are here. We handle everything, so as a “Build and Sell” project, you just get the profit. As a “Build and Keep”, Flexistay will operate, and you will receive dividends yearly, providing a residual income.

Additionally, as you own a share in the business, you can sell the shares according to the shareholder agreement, allowing for the shares to be transferred or inherited in the usual way leaving your benefitiaries hassle free investment.

Oasis CP Projects Ltd is a Company Registered in the UK - Company Number 14303372